On my way...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 1 Results

Weight: 298.2 (-1.6 this week)

My husband was out of town all week, so it was just me and the girls. I found myself not really paying as much attention to what I was eating as I would have liked. In fact, a couple of days I forgot to eat lunch myself. I then just had a snack at 2:00ish and kept going. I know this isn't good, so I'm going to work on that again this week.

Goals for this week:
* Drink 64 ozs. of water a day.
* NO Diet Coke (or any other form of soda type drink).
* Start a journal to keep track of what I'm eating.
* Some form of exercise 3 times.


  1. Phew, that is great getting out of those threes!

    Well done on a good week and those goals sound totally doable.

    What sort of exercise do you have planned?

  2. I hope you're doing Ok. Miss your blog!
