On my way...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Week 2 Results

Weight: 295.5 (-2.7 this week)

My husband was once again out of town for most of the week, so this week was hectic again. And with school winding down, and dance recitals coming up, it won't slow down for a couple weeks. I'm looking forward for summer so we can relax a little!

I think I did a little better at recognizing what I was eating, and when...but still far from perfect! Being a busy family, I feel like we resort to the drive-thru way too much. This ruined my quest for no Diet Coke this week. I honestly didn't even think about it until later that night. So, I've enlisted the help of my 6-year-old. NO MORE EATING OUT! And she promises to remind! I need to get creative with this, as there are a couple of nights we don't get home until 7:00 and the little one goes to bed at 8:00...this gives me an hour to prepare a meal, feed her and get her in bed (this is why it was so easy to resort to picking up food on the way home!)

Goals for this week:
* NO eating out!
* Drink 64 ozs. of water a day.
* NO Diet Coke (or any other form of soda type drink).
* Start a journal to keep track of what I'm eating.
* Some form of exercise 3 times.


  1. Love your weekly goals section!

    Congratulations on the loss!

    Take care
    Sean Anderson
    The Daily Diary of A Winning Loser

  2. Great loss!

    Can you prepare meals so they are just ready to be reheated when you get in on those particularly late days?

    Have a great week!

  3. Just re-posting this from the reality check post to make sure you see it!** Hi K, I feel a real connection with what you've written here. It really has touched me and I hope we can keep in touch and encourage each other. I'm now 286 lbs - I weigh in on Mondays. I've been struggling for the past month, trying to get over a bad case of the mumps, so I haven't been doing much and the scale hasn't moved in the right direction.

    Anyway, we have similar stories except I've put off having kids b/c of my weight problem, but I never admitted that to anyone and I'm not suffering at 31 and still obese. I want to get this weight off and try having a healthy pregnancy, but I would be interested in your pregnancy experience and advice if you don't mind?

    My blog is www.dazetodirty.blogspot.com and my email is tammaralindsay78@aol.com

    Thanks for sharing!
    x T

  4. I haven't heard from you in a while, I'm just checking on how you're doing.

    If you're doing fantastic---Great!

    If you're struggling or completely off course---I want you to know that I believe in you. You know you want this bad and you can do it once and for all! You deserve success in your weight loss pursuits, don't let emotions and circumstances steal this away from you! I hope you're doing fantastic and just taking a break from blogging!!

    Take care and my best always,

  5. You CAN do this! The journey may not be always be easy... it may be fraught with obstacles... but you can do this. You are not alone.

  6. I'm here to help if you need it. Blessings to you, I hope all is well.

  7. Everything fine? I'm not giving up !!!

    I hope you haven't either.

    Let me know you're still OK, OK?

    If you're struggling---remember, it's not too late to turn this around.

    Let me know if I can help.

    My best

  8. Contact me or just post anything to let us know everything is alright---I hope everything is going well.

    My best always

  9. I'll stop worrying about you now. If you ever need an ear or advice, you know how to contact me via e-mail or my blog.

    My best always

  10. Congrats on your weight loss!! I am on Weight Watchers and so far I have lost 4.4 pounds (one week on plan). My highest weight was 261.8...your doing great!!

  11. Congratulations on your incredible weight loss this week! :]

    You go girl!

    Keep up the great work!
